How I’m Taking Back My Home in 2019

I’m taking back my home in 2019.

I stack and pack dishes in every nook and cranny.

It is not ideal to stack dishes on big, flat surfaces.

I don’t want to wish away my time with my family, ever. This photo was taken at Thanksgiving.

Hopefully getting organized in 2019 will be like eating an elephant, one bite at a time.

My gorgeous maple china cabinet is stacked to the moon with dishes.

I’m a sucker for espresso sets.

The cup section is my former shoe holder.

Luckily, I can print my shipping labels at home and walk my packages out to the Little Cottage mailbox.

The Lord always gives us enough time to finish the things we truly need to accomplish.

Coming Soon- a furniture refinishing project!
Great ideas for organizing your dishware. I am beginning to face the issue of space with my crafts as well. I am considering doing a refresh on our outdoor storage shed or renting a small rental unit. I love what I do but I need to get better at getting the pics up on my site and my Etsy store. Good luck with taking your house back. And you’re right…God will always work it out if we put Him first. I love co-hosting with you at #OMHGWW
I learned so much from co-hosting #omhgww!
Thanks for the encouragement about organizing my dishes. We’ve lived here for 23 years, and we surely need to purge!
Oh wow that is a lot of dishes but they are nice though. Good luck with organizing your dishes this year and happy to be co-hosting #OMHGWW with you.
Thanks for the encouragement, it’s been a great experience at OMHGWW! I’m trying to decide if I should reapply for February.
I love dishes too. It is a chore to store, but the cubbies sound like a grand idea. I hope that makes store a breeze. Happy Weekend, Kippi #kippiathome
Me too, Kippi. I refinished one Cubby Shelf then stopped right there. I need to get moving and find one more.