Although you might find the occasional ghost, witch, or spooky owl decoration at our little cottage, I tend to focus on the fun parts of Halloween (trick-or-treating and THE CANDY). The sign I pilfered from my 18 year-old’s room reflects our family’s philosophy on celebrating Halloween. It was perfect for our It’s All About the Candy Halloween Beverage Station. The Tabletops Unlimited Silhouette Owl coffee mug is missing from some of the later photos because my 11 year-old and 14 year-old daughters made hot chocolate and coffee as soon as I took the first pictures. They also set the pumpkin on top of the Owl coffee mug askew. 🙄. It’s ok though, I want them to enjoy it, don’t I?

Many Christians don’t celebrate Halloween, but we do. There were a few years when I kept my kids from trick-or-treating, but the reasons were due to outside pressure rather than personal conviction. However, if you’re a Christian, and you think it’s wrong to celebrate Halloween, then you shouldn’t. By the same token, Christians who feel free to celebrate Halloween should not brag.
The faith which you have, have as your own conviction before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves. But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and whatever is not from faith is sin. Romans 14:22-23

Aside from the sign, the Tabletops Unlimited Silhouette Coffee Cups were the anchor for the color scheme and design of the beverage station. I love the bold colors and silhouette designs. I tried to order a 4th mug online, but could not find any; not even on eBay or Replacements.com.
The stars on the little pumpkins (from Target), and the black and white pumpkins that were included in the set, made them perfect for a Halloween vignette.

I used some Halloween polka dot burlap ruched with orange gingham ribbon to make a fabric representation of a candy wrapper. Haribo Halloween Gummies fill the Witch mug, while Reese’s Ghosts rest in the Hobnail milk glass vase.

A little milk glass Hobnail condiment pitcher is filled with cream, and the Hobnail milk glass toothpick holder hat is stuffed with artificial sweetener.

I hope you enjoyed my It’s All About the Candy Halloween Beverage Station.
Happy Fall!
Linking up, here.
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Read Make a Cozy Hot Cocoa Nook

Great idea to get the fall coffee bar setup now. This way we can enjoy it longer.
I set mine up for Thanksgiving, but I am going to do it now!!!
Happy fall,
Well, my former coffee bar was still in strawberry mode for the summer. I had to change it over to fall. Strawberries would NOT do for September. Lol
Adorable decorations for a Halloween party!
So cute! Love it! Thanks for sharing on Farm Fresh Tuesdays! I hope you’ll stop in this week to share more fall posts and enter our giveaway!
Thanks for hosting, Lisa!
Great idea for a Halloween party beverage station! Thanks for linking up with us at the #GatheringofFriendsLinkParty 7 pinned!
Thanks, Sylvia!