Since this was my first year of serious blogging, I thought it might be fun to see which posts from 2019 were the most viewed. I will start with the 10th most popular post, then count down to the #1 post (Does anyone remember the “Top 10” list on the David Letterman Show?). Here are my Top 10 Most Popular Posts of 2019:
#10- Dear Lord,What Did I Learn From Doing Craft Shows

I guess I’m not the only woman who’s struggled to make money selling her wares.
#9- Jingle Bells and Pine Cones DIY Burlap Christmas Stocking Wreath

This “wreath” was made for the 12 Days of Christmas Holiday Ideas Blog Hop. The blog hop was sponsored by Burlap Fabric, so I received 2 free burlap stockings in the mail. Thanks Burlap Fabric! It was the boost I needed to create something a little bit different! It was also my most featured post of the year, and was chosen as a feature on 8 different link parties.
#8 Golden Bunny Easter Tablescape

I think the chocolate bunny was the eye-catching element that drew readers into this post. Interestingly, this highly viewed post only received 4 comments, and two of those comments were responses from me.
#7 A Trip to Historic Savannah on Our 30th Anniversary

This travel post made it to the top 10, but our trip to Chicago didn’t. I guess the Old South beats the midwestern glam of Michigan Avenue.
#6- Folk Art 4th of July Tablescape

Was it the Folk Art part of the title, or do people just love the 4th of July?
#5- How to Live Big On A Small Porch

It is a challenge to do big things in a small space. I can see why my fellow small-porch readers would be tempted to click on this post.
#4- A Homemaker’s Day

I wouldn’t have thought this post would be so popular. It was about a typical day in my life as a homemaking wife and mother.
#3- Make An Organizer Purse From A Drying Mat

I was proud of these little purses. My husband suggested that I sell them on ETSY. I didn’t though, because I couldn’t forget the trials I faced doing craft shows in the late 1990s.
#2- It’s Finally Fall At Our Little Cottage

I’m not sure what the attraction was regarding this post. Maybe it was the outdoor photographs of our little cottage.
#1- Cranberry Pecan Chicken Salad Sliders

I guess everyone eats chicken salad! This post was my Pinterest Challenge for February. It must be a recipe with universal appeal.
- The only recipe included in this group also happened to be my #1 post. Go figure.
- Out of hundreds of posts I wrote this year, one of the three “trip” posts I wrote made the list. It’s a shame we can’t afford to go on more than 3 trips per year.
- The two craft posts that made the cut included sewing. None of my painting tutorials were even close to being in the top 10. Should I stop writing painting tutorials?
- Two of the posts were Tablescapes. Tablescapes are always popular, and fun.
- Two posts were lifestyle posts about being a homemaker, or trying to earn money as a homemaker. Several similar posts were near the top ten as well. I will definitely write more about the homemaking life. It’s one of my favorite things to write about!
So, I’ll definitely continue to sew, create tablescapes, make stuff for my yard and porch, go on trips, write about homemaking, and cook my little heart out. If you have any feedback for me, I’d love to hear from you!
Happy New Year!
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I’m always surprised at how well my day in life posts go over too. I think there’s just something about seeing how other people go about their daily routines that appeals to readers.
Yes, I think you’re right, Joanne,
Isn’t is interesting what people are drawn to? And my husband teases me that my blog is mostly about food!
Thanks for sharing with us at Farm Fresh Tuesdays Blog Hop! We enjoy seeing what you are up to each week!
Happy New Year!
Melissa | Little Frugal Homestead
Sometimes I worry that my blog is too broad. However, I love to decorate, cook, make crafts, and write about my feelings. What’s a girl to do?
Thank you for sharing your top 10 posts. I have enjoyed them all!!!
Happy New Year,
Thanks, Kippi!
It’s so interesting what is popular isn’t it? You publish things you think will ‘take off’ and they just don’t, and the ones that you think not many people will be interested in get lots of views! I’ve had the comment things to, not many comments on some of my most popular posts. Don’t stop doing your painting tutorials if you like doing them, it can take years sometimes for a post to do well.
Thanks for the advice Julie, I do like to paint things!
I remembered a few of these, but not all of them. Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link party.
Thanks for dropping in, Teresa!